Lamentation over dead Christ is a painting by Andrea Mantegna. It was realized between 1457-1501. Mantegna is a Italian painter of the Renaissence. In fact, He belong to the century called Quattroccento. He was born in Padua, Venice. It's contemporary to Paolo Ucello, Filippo Lippi and Donatello. The Lamentation over dead Christ is one of the most famous painting by Mantegna, It's considerate the master piece of his work.
This painting is a great painting because it show a new posibility of the painting like a genre. This new posibility is the perspective, that it was used in the Renaissence, therefor not is a simple style in painting, it's one form of understand of the word. The human, in the renaissence, understand mathematically the world. In this time the Art was not in the museums, the art is one form for to learn the holy writing. This painting, in this time, was in a churchs or cathedrals.
The first time that I saw the painting was in a class about Arte of the Renaissence, in my first year at university. From this day, This painting is one of my favorites like more others, but always I loved it, because it do that the spectator share of the scene because, in same sens, the spectator is one more between of them.
The painting of holy week...see you