I have a notebook. I remember the day when I give me. It was in 2007 and my dad brought me back a souvenir from his trip to Australia : It was a blue Toshiba notebook. I really need it because my career demands much work in writing and my brother stay all the day in the pc playing online games. So, we quarrel for the computer.
For me, the notebook is very important because it's comfortable and much eassier to move it. I used for my things of the university, I see my mails and to check my facebook.
But now my Notebook is older and the battery run out and in this moment just have 30 minutes. Also, I broke the number one and I can't used the key. Is terrible because in facebook or messenger I can't write the exclamation sign. So, anybody understand me when I´m angry or happy. other thing is the weigh and I can't got in my bag because is heavy. In fact, the las month I broke a bag with my notebook.
Well, I think I have to that other notebook but now I don´t money because it's very expensive... and I'll wait that my dad leave on trip again...